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600, or: That which nobody needs

Aloha from hell, welcome to the 600th post in my blog, and traditionally, this post, too, deals with search requests (grey background) that led people here. As always, I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German queries. And that in the title is one, too, of course.

why do I laugh when I have to cry
Keep reading, then you got the answer: It’s the search queries’ fault!

can the lotto numbers be predicted?
NO! How often do I have to repeat this??

please, tell me the next lotto numbers, the entire lotto number, the next possible lotto numbers!
Stop it or I’ll throw the lotto drawing balls at you!

no clue of lotto
Yeah, that’s just what you got!

formula golden section for lotto numbers
Aaargh! ENOUGH! I count to 3, and if you don’t stop right away… 1… 2… 2.5…

stop fucking up the numbers i’m trying to search for something
Oh, sorry, no more numbers now. What exactly are you looking for?

i’ve been searching for the real thing
Good idea – and you’re dead right here! Anything specific?

verb to wear in latin
I’d recommend to wear some regular clothing in Latin class, too, and not a verb. That’d be a little too scanty.

complete list of scams by kind
Now you’re funny, no webserver on earth got that much space!

silly domain names
Found it! ;) But there are sillier ones, e.g. the often mentioned classics such as expertsexchange etc.

anti science generator
See mystic. (And here is everything I’ve written about anti-science so far.)

can we cut hair in full moon?
cause i dont know in the sun
If the brightness of the full moon is enough for you, I don’t know any reason against it.

full moon capricorn unhairing
Better don’t, the animals need their fur!

what is someone die full moon day

what does nostradamus say to black hole?
Were he still alive, he’d probably say “trou noir”, being French. If you’re referring to his silly scribble, which crackpots of all kind read anything into, you must ask said crackpots, I’m sure there are some who found faked something about black holes, LHC etc.

addicted to healers and gurus
A danger that should not be underestimated! Or what do you think?

oh shut up
Hey, not that impertinently! But alright, let’s stop for today – over and out, bye! May you always have walls for the winds!

Poll about the links of the week

Vote! Since the end of last year, I’ve presented more or fewer links of the week every Sunday which briefly link to various posts, articles, etc. – and I’m asking myself (or rather you) if you think this should continue like that, or if I rather should present some or all of them on any day (i.e. when I come across them myself) in a separate post each, in which I’d write one or two sentences more or show a picture (if possible).

Background is that I think that on the one hand, some interesting things might rather pass unnoticed in the links of the week, and on the other hand (too?) many short “link posts” would be the result… so what do you think?

Links of the week or separate presentation?

  • Keep links of the week as they are now (78%, 7 Votes)
  • Partly this, partly that (11%, 1 Votes)
  • Don't care (11%, 1 Votes)
  • Rather separate posts on any day of the week (0%, 0 Votes)

Votes total: 9

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You can, of course, use the comments for further ideas.

Photo: absolut – Fotolia.com

False traffic

Traffic I was wondering several weeks ago why the “raw” access counter for my music quote list was going through the roof (and the usage statistics showing unusual changes) without similar increases in “real” visitor numbers, but did not pursue this matter further yet. Earlier this month, a post about spam protection on Holy Shmoly! (whose feed is also included in the WordPress dashboard) also mentioned additional traffic caused by the AVG LinkScanner – an additional program of AVG’s virus scanner which loads all links on search engine results paged beforehand and checks them for malicious code and scripts. AVG Watch has all the background information on that.

At first, this doesn’t sound too bad an idea, however it generates lots of traffic without the found pages actually being read by someone – it would really be sufficient to check the pages when accessing them… And this additional traffic and the tampering of statistics it caused – statistics that have financial consequences for professional sites, and statistics analysts could, at best, only react with some delay on these effects – was what drove many webmasters crazy.

Now, basically, I got unlimited traffic included in my little shared hosting package (though I don’t need to test how unlimited that actually is) and the server didn’t seem to crash under the load, and I certainly wasn’t going crazy – but I did want to have a closer look and of course see whether it really was this AVG LinkScanner that caused the access increase I had noticed. So I grabbed my logfiles and analyzed them for the four different referrers characteristic for AVG – the following chart shows the result for the aforementioned music quote list, which is the post that got the (relative) majority of search engine referrals by far, especially for English sentences (click for large version with longer period):

AVG LinkScanner Traffic

Accesses according to WordPress.com stats (visitors with JavaScript)*
All other normal accesses (search engine robots, visitors without JavaScriipt)*
Various LinkScanner referrers
Redirections using .htaccess
* both without my own accesses

Meaning of the labelled days:
1: Public release of the new AVG version with LinkScanner on April 23.
2: Holy Shmoly! reports, and I add the .htaccess redirections.
3: Small change in redirection, thus letting through a few again.

So we see: The LinkScanner caused up to 1000 additional accesses per day for this post, up to 7 times of real visitor numbers. By the way, it read the page itself (PHP and database accesses) and all JavaScript files linked in it each time (and often a particular GIF image, for whatever reason).

In the mean time – AVG changed LinkScanner’s behavior – the “false traffic” has decreased greatly again.

But it actually had a positive side effect: You could get a little rough impresion of how often your site shows up on the search result pages without the users clicking them…

Let’s have a Wordle

Word clouds on steroids, if you will, can be created with Wordle, with some options for font, layout and color. For instance, this may look like the following image (click to enlarge) for my “On the trail of afterlife” article:

Wordle: afterlife

Or like this for what I wrote about this full moon astrology rubbish yesterday:

Wordle: full moon

Nice toy…

Or my complete blogroll (including brief descriptions):

Wordle: Blogroll

That could be turned into a kind of blog baton – for everyone with a sufficiently large blogroll, ideally with descriptions: How does your blogroll look like in Wordle? I don’t pass it on specifically, though, if you want to participate, just do it…

(via Evil under the Sun)