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Sorry and thank you!

First off, sorry for today’s pingbacks for the Technorati link campaign last August – for some reason, they went out today when I added a tag to that post, and neither then in August nor in October when I first added tags…

Secondly: Thank you for 500 comments by you, my visitors!

AveN has completed the half thousand today.

La ola

Without you all, it wouldn’t be half as nice here…
To the next 500! :mrgreen:

The Lego brick is 50

I with a Lego box 1958, the Lego brick has been invented in its modern shape, patented on January 28 – and still compatible with those from today, they say (lacking such bricks, I couldn’t verify that myself…).

To celebrate this day, the Lego shop offers an exclusive town set, unfortunately with 23 pieces too much or 27 too few (that is, 1981), for “Ages: 12+”, so also for “children of the first hour”, if you will. :)

» Wikipedia article

Even Google is doodling nicely:
Google doodle Lego

So “play well”*, everybody! :mrgreen:

Addendum: A nice timeline and several curiosities and numbers at Gizmodo.

* as is well known, the name “Lego” originates from “leg godt”, Danish for “play well.

300, or: So many questions…

This is post # 300 in this li’l blog o’ mine (don’t get confused by the number in the URL, that one also counts drafts, pages and uploads). I know, others might just raise a light smile, at best, at these numbers, but… so be it.

To let this post have some meaning, I’m gonna address some of the questions and statements I have been approached with through the search engines (and I’ve translated the German ones for you; the search phrases have a grey background) – well, some of them are answering each other:

(I know, my 200th post started in a a similar fashion. :) )

All right, everything is gonna be so right, welcome to your destiny, believe in yourself, the answer will come.

  • can i borrow you for a minute maybe two or five maybe for the rest of my life
    The former: yes, why not – what for? But the latter must be thoroughly thought through…
  • me in my panties und I without panties
    Really? Can you prove that with a photo? :mrgreen:
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    I don’t. But why does that keep you from making these photos?
  • do men wear thongs
    do you like men in thong
    Since the German Stringtanga Forum noticed my poll this Wednesday, there’s quite some buzz in the poll and in the comments, so check it out again…
  • lotto “6/49” how often two consecutive numbers
    No, no, you do that “Bild der Wissenschaft” math quiz nicely by yourself…
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    do you believe in what you’re saying
    say it’s not so
    Well, it is, sorry.
  • turn around ask yourself

    (no reply)
  • ain’t looking for nothing but a good time and it don’t get better than this
    Thanks. :)
  • next uri geller what to say to throw spoon off the tv
    which 3 words does uri geller say in hebrew
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    “1, 2, 3”.
  • 2 girls 2 cup?
    Don’t know about that one.
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  • another question hangs in the air now there’s an answer i know it’s out there
    you’ve got so many questions
    you bet
  • do you want sugar one lump or two
    No thanks, no sugar for me.

So keep on rocking or turn the tv off and go to bed now. :bye:

Aur Onnad Meren!

J.R.R. Tolkien, creator of the fantasy world Middle-earth with his novel series “The Lord Of The Rings” and several other works, would have become 116 years old today.

Quetis Ilfirimain:
Corma turien te
Corma tuvien
Corma tultien te
Huines se nutien.
Tercáno Nuruva.
Tuvien Corma tultien te
Huinesse nutien
Corma turien te Corma.

Show English translation ▼

(Source title “Happy birthday”, poem)

200, or: So many questions…

This is post # 200 in this li’l blog o’ mine (don’t get confused by the number in the URL, that one also counts drafts, pages and uploads). I know, others might just raise a light smile, at best, at these numbers, but… so be it.

To let this post have some meaning, I’m gonna “answer” a few questions that I have been approached with through the search engines (and I’ve translated the German ones for you):

  • give it to me baby ah ah
    Sure. Let’s start!
  • baby can you listen to me
    I’m all ears, go ahead.
  • do you think you can fool me eric
    Wrong door, there’s no Eric here.
  • what the best birthday letter that i give to my honey :kussm:
    Ooooh, that’s a hard problem, who understands the women anyway? Sorry, can’t help you, I don’t want to risk that my suggestion might not be the right one for your lady…
  • how can it be that none of the deeper questions cross your mind? are you afraid to find surprises?
    And you are asking me that? (But at least you are using question marks!)
  • lotto higher winning chance which numbers should i take
    Well, if you’d only knew that in advance… but with selling pretended prognoses, it appears, there’s more money to be made than with using them yourself…

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