Tag Archives:

search queries

Cool cat quotes (or not)

Meooowwww! I know you need an answer! Welcome to the search requests of the second half of April that led visitors here. (Search requests are highlighted in grey; I didn’t make them shorter or longer or up, I just translated the German ones.)

Please don’t ask me what i think of you, I might not give you answers that you want me to, ’cause either way you lose yeah. So we quickly skip such un-questions like “are horoscopes trustworthy”, bible prediction of lottery numbers and “the secret system of the lotto numbers”, I can’t do anything for you. –

Come on take a chance and do this thing, boys also wear thongs! – No, we’ll better skip that topic, no panties required, really! Call it a pantiless insolence if you will.

Are you bored? I mean, given a search for “latest sexual practices”? Tried everything already – or at least you believe that? I guess it’s the latter… – sometimes when we make love i still see your face – yes, there are positions in which this is the case. Didn’t you know?

By the way, d’you think this tightwad finds what he’s looking for: girls that will go on cam and do anything i want for free? Anyway, on with the show.


kitty Eventually we are reaching the title’s topic “cool cat quotes”, because we know: there ain’t too much you can’t do with a cat. Matching question: Four letters with cat? – Hmm, “cool”? ;)

We gonnna make these cats what stop while theyre waiting to what go. – Erm, what? – So baby if you want me you cat me show me love. – Err… – acquaintances cat – Hello, how about some clearer questions??

freu as in witch drink juice blue bottle!


Questions, questions, questions. :shake: I just can’t the answers to the questions that keep going through my mind. And people are actually searching for:

  • The way I see it,if you want the _________,you’ve got to put up with the rain. (“rainbow”, what else?)
  • sounds like roxette milk toast and honey but an other version.
  • I heard a song on the radio that sais something about body body bop… i think… whats the name of it??

So we better remove the batteries now (answers the question “how to reset tcm radio controlled clocks?”, too), that’s it for this time, be like the flower and turn your face to the sun!

Cat photo © Marzanna Syncerz – Fotolia.com

A p and then 5 letters

Don’t ask me nothin’ about nothin’ i just might tell you the truth! Welcome to the search requests of the first half of April that led visitors here. (Search requests are highlighted in grey; I didn’t make them shorter or longer or up, I just translated the German ones.)

Do you want it? do you need it? can you feel it? tell me!

Pictures without panties? — No, not this time. –- Pictures.with.out.panties! — I said no! — i dont wanna read nothin — Read nothing? Then leave; all others, enjoy!

faith one two three tell me that you— Pardon? (Ah, there it is: a p and then 5 letters!) — do you believe in magic and i hope you do, you’ll always have a friend wearing big read shoes. — Oh c’mon, magic??

Can black magic stop your right thinking? — It apparently did already, since you believe such crap!

how to do black magic in oder to get my girl friend free information? — Free information can be found on the net without black magic, too. ;) Alright, you rather wanted free info about finding your girl. Why not join the woman interested in “black magic get the man you want”. But don’t mix it up with “what black magic to do to cause hate between two people” or even “free kill your self by black magick”!

magical oil that if i use lift me up to be wealthy? god lift me up where we belong! — Oh stop it, will you? — they call me a dreamer, i’m not the only one — well, that’s certainly true…

Jesus light switch God give me the power of thing like light on and off — You mean a light switch like that on the left? Erm, not a good idea, I think.

As you know, there are more than enough religious orientations, e.g. religion is the smile on your face, some wonder if there is an answer in the sound of the train or “birds tapping on windows? good or bad” or are even interested in a cosmic influence on the sexes. :roll: In a sense, they found the perfect place here…

god on planets? believe there a life after died in other planets? — I don’t think that the bible says something about that. Not that this had any meaning for me, but there are many believers. — kaka believes in god. — The football player? So what, just let him. But enoug about this topic for today.

I believe — What did I just say?!? — i’ve thrown up. — Ah. Yuck, yes, that doesn’t have much to do with religion anymore. Were you the guy who wanted to be so thorough with his search: ‘two girls one cup original’ original?

Let’s turn to other topics, shall we?

has a year 50 or 52 weeks in mathematics?
the science of lottery prediction?
lotto numbers which are drawen the moest?
electrisity meter the funnction photos?

Aah, no, other topics, nothing to throw up!!

I only got five minutes to say the word — Now that must be a long word. Even for something like Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch, you don’t need five minutes.

What can you say to turn on a guy? — Say? Visual or tactile stimulation are probably more effective. body body baby let me feel you, and we’ll make love together, cause i know if you’re in love with me tonight we’re raining! (Huh?) — You’ll only wear women’s underwear from now on! — What?? No! Stop!

Enough excuses and lies for this time, bye, I’ll go now, and i’ll take my cat, and we’ll go fishing in heaven!

Desperately seeking sh*t

I’m currently testing the WordPress statistics plugin WassUp – it offers a nice chronological list of the recent accesses (including search phrases and result pages), a live view of current activities and more. And all this locally, without relying on external servers.

We’ll see how well WassUp works – and how exactly it counts, because even with hiding bots and spams, there seem to be more views than other tools tell (well, the feed accesses apparently have to be subtracted manually…).

So far, I quite like it – I also noticed that the detection of known bad hosts by comparing the name against a 6700+ lines text file costs quite some server performance; 1.5 instead of 0.7 seconds for a typical page generation ist not much, sure, but a clear difference all the same, which is why I disabled that feature for now.

Why this post title, you ask? Well, while looking at the Visitor Details I came across a few search engine users’ visits worth mentioning (click the screenshots to go to my respective posts):

A US American searching for a certain gross video (Wikipedia) clicks his way through to the 39th results page – is he really so desperately searching?

My rebus about certain celebrity escapades made the first page of the German Google image search: :)

Lotto dreamers, at least, receive the proper information (well, except for a browser update):

400, or: So many questions…

tits This is post # 400 in this li’l blog o’ mine (don’t get confused by the number in the URL, that one also counts drafts, pages and uploads). I know, others might just raise a light smile, at best, at these numbers, but… so be it.

As in the 300th post, which also started in a similar fashion, I’m gonna address some of the questions and statements I have been approached with through the search engines (and I’ve translated the German ones for you; the search phrases have a grey background):

  • pages nobody needs
    Won’t find these here. :mrgreen:
  • monster tits
    Well, I certainly wouldn’t call the two tits in the upper right corner (photo by Max xx / flickr) monsters. Alright, from an insect’s point of view, maybe, but otherwise?
  • birds keep passing by to tell me
    And what do they tell you?
  • i am the lord your god this is what is real and weather you like it or not the human race has only one destiny
    And, erm, which destiny is that?
  • masturbation!
    Aaaah yes. Okay, not that I‘d listen to a god, but if you say so – hang on, I’ll be back in several minutes…

twiddle thumbs


well and now?



panties down Alright, back to the fact i’m the mack and i know that, let’s continue with a panties update (photo by Meredith_Farmer / flickr):

  • crappy panties!
    Well, yeah, you’re somewhat right; just mention panties once, and you get those search requests…
  • show me your panties
  • what do you see below the panties?
    Maybe you can see the background through the gap bewteen the legs? ;)
  • the panties of the aunt
    What about ’em? And why on earth is it aunts who are so popular when it’s about panties or being nude??
  • guys wearing girlfriend’s panties
    how the hell can you think your beautiful?

That’s enough, before another visitor arrives with the panties size of paris hilton, let’s move on to other topics quickly:

  • uri made geller it
    I think don’t so.
  • write one mails where I serious counter
    Hmm, that might be difficult…
  • newst celphones by apel
    Very difficult! Better forget about it.

Now just a plea to the universum : 6 correct lotto numbers. And now it’s time for bed, i am too weak, that’s it for today, bye!

No, I won’t write about the release of WordPress 2.5 now

Enough others have done that, you know. ;)

To make this post less than 100% useless, let me briefly answer two search queries leading people here today at 17:43 and 18:46:

these lotto numbers bring good luck

10 21 23 29 31 37 (49) – today in Germany, that is. Unless you consider money bad luck…
(Without guarantee.)

vincent raven music

Don’t match. If your nerves are strong enough, you can convince yourself here on the Wotschblog (ex-Just4Fun, German text)…