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search queries

How long can a fx live?

  • What whaddaya want?
    “Answer” a few questions from search queries (highlighted with grey background, German ones translated) that took visitors to this site in the first half of March.
  • Then go ahead, who waits forever anyway?
    We already started…
  • how long can a fx live?
    Hmm, maybe 2 years in the wild and 8 years in captivity – that is, two thirds of how long a fox can live (cf. Wikipedia), with regard to the number of letters? At least that would be a concrete answer that applies to the “live” in the question – unlike “fax” or “effects” or whatever…
  • what does miracl mean in German?
  • what can be read in tarot cards?
    Well, you can try to cut one open (but watch out, don’t hurt yourself when cutting open such flat things like cards!), the you’ll see if there’s something written inside that you can read. :mrgreen:
  • where do we come from belief doubt
    I don’t know about you, but I just came back from the toilet. And yes, I did wash my hands, you really can believe that, without a doubt.
  • will god give up on me?
    Might be more sensible the other way round. :teufel: But if you believe in him, you should ask him directly, since Google or other search engines, as mentioned before, certainly aren’t got.

  • where to buy spoon bender?
    I suggest you ask Uri Geller. He might not be cheap, though…

  • has anyone ever used the musical scale to predict the lottery numbers?
    :lol2: Indeed, there are strange questions and hopes… But well, that will yield the same results as other “methods”, that is, none, because:
    who can predict lotto numbers?
  • what percentage of women wear pantys to bed?
    I don’t know. Therefore: :mrgreen:
    (Men may vote on behalf of their wives/girlfriends)

Women: Do you wear panties in bed?

View Results

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  • are there human beings on other planets?
    No, not yet. But some are planned to land starting in 2020 or later.
  • 50 million blow flies can’t be wrong
    That’s no question. And stay away with your blowflies! Smilie by GreenSmilies.com Even a single one is what I wouldn’t want in my apartment.
  • whats the song that goes free your mind and the rest will follow
    “Free Your Mind” by En Vogue.
  • why do i ask when it’s time for the mind to let go?
    That is something not even I can tell you. But I think I help you a little: that’s it for now, bye!

If we don’t ask we’ll never know – Search queries in February

Check baby one twoI aint got no time to lose, all hell is gonna break down lose right here, everybody come and go with me!

:huhu: Welcome to the search queries that led visitors here in February. As before, the search queries have a grey background (usually not in the feed reader, though) – it really gets down to business again (use the “f word” once…), and as you can see, I hardly need to write anything myself anymore…
(I didn’t make the queries shorter or longer or up. I just translated the German ones.)

Hey you hey you i don’t give a fuck what you do, never give a fuck! – Then you stay away, pal, the others are enough for me: – hey mister can you tell me what this world’s about, it might just help me out. I got to say there’s something on my mind, I’ve been searching for some words. – You’re not the only one. Some day you’ll find everything you’re looking for, you’re gonna know if you keep on asking questions!

Why dont you turn your umbrella upside down, get down on your knees ask your mama for some cheese, and close your eyes and dance alone to the sound of a blind god? – You wanna tell me how to live my life?No no no i’ll do anything you say boy cuz if you ask me baby

Baby can you feel it cause i needyes what? – Baby can you see i need you now? Yeah you’ve got that something, I want to thank you everyday. – Then do it, maybe with a comment here in my blog, what about now? :mrgreen: Or, well, I need a woman to fuck me for free, I’d say to her close your eyes give me your hands do you feel my hard— but, well, that’s not for the public. You just take it that’s what you do. Its all good its all right, fuck all day fuck all night

By the way, great ass! Do you go without panties? Or do you rather want to wear 2 thongs? – latex slip man! – Alright, not bad either. ;)

I see you baby doing that thing, i see you and hope you see me too. Do you think about me now and then? Don’t you see were in this together, you and me one on one forever? Even better, a ménage à trois, you wanna fuck me you gotta fuck my friend too, cause she had a bad day; we will rock you, you know you wanna a a a a a aaaaaaa you will see.

I know it’s kind of late but what i’ve got to saythe way you get down and do itblow baby blow let’s get down and go, cause i got no doubt that i’ll get up again.

Well then, I educate your wife to be the O, and while all those monsters gettin’ together loving’ each other, you can write a letter forr mie teacher or intercept q making. Or find the prosieben, if you want. This is the end, but not the end of the world, yippee ki yay!


PS.: I vote, tomorrow at our local elections. You should too if there are elections at your place.

AOL is not God

If you are brave enter here! Welcome to the search queries of the last two weeks that led visitors here.
(As before, search queries have a grey background; I didn’t make them shorter or longer or even up. I just translated the German ones.)

Before you fairly start this story I should like to give you just a word of warning – okay, where’s the problem? A man is still a child and i have so many questions. Aha. Well, I can see the latter clearly in my stats… Alright, can we start? Come go with me there’s so much you can see, I’m gonna tell you a big bad story baby!

Whether prayers via AOL are heard? God if you can hear me right now please give me a sign that Brian loves me. I got my doubts. Also, simpler wishes seem strange, too: I want to write an email to Criss Angel. Nice. And you think that Google Mail comes up right away with the correct address? Do you think you could buy me a toy? please. No, you get no presents from me, I don’t even know you. achad!!! shtaim!!! shalosh!!! No, that don’t work on me.

Quickly a side-trip to the gross corner, so we can get over with it: I have to pass gas all day long – then you might want to hand out gas masks to those living with or visiting you. the viedeo 2 girls 1 cub see once buut find nix – now what’s more gross, the linguistic quality or the wish for that video? And why in hell are people searching for “www.2 girls 1 cup.com” exaktly like that, including spaces? :roll:

But it gets even uglier: Calculation of lotto numbers today – impossible! can lotto numbers be predicted? No! guaranteed lotto prediction spells? lotto witch who can make numbers come true? astrology lottonumbers? respectability of horoscopes? That’s all just superstition, false religion!

Now let’s move on to the erotic area. (photo © Mzelle Biscotte on flickr)

display dummy Baby take off your close. Pardon? Baby won’t you take off your clothes? Ah. Okay, but I’m not wearing panties. I never wear panties. Just like the display dummy on the left. Due to electricity in panties, you know? :P

Chastity belt for women and photos: erm, what would photos need chastity belts for, and how’d that work? Then better balcony photo nude: you surely can shoot these on a construction site nearby, you’ll surely see a balcony without handrail, decoration or whatever you could call “nude”. balcony masturbation or penis or sperm -fun -joke -pet -animal -dog -cat – Huh? Good thing you exclude the latter words with the “-“, but that’s quite strange a search query, you know that?

Its a strange world and we’re trying not to lose our way. Well… but some ways should be left – or not stepped on in the first place, I think. I wanna call you my boy i wanna call you my girl – Stop! Enough! Im feeling fine, nothing but sex is on my mind. Well, fine, I can understand that, but don’t overdo it, okay? One more: prinzzess nude pics – her blog is there, but I never came across such photos there…

Well, that’s it for today – alaaf and helau! :prost2: :bye:

» View all search query posts here.

Braing for good – we don’t understand

Three hours ago, someone came here from Spanish Google with this search phrase:

braing for good braing for love braing for peace we dont understand

I don’t really understand that either… I don’t understand it even if I replace “braing” with what I think is the most likely word they meant: “praying” – but that’s a matter of faith, of course.

Fittingly, today’s cartoon from SMBC Comics (via Pharyngula):

SMBC Comic 2008-01-19

300, or: So many questions…

This is post # 300 in this li’l blog o’ mine (don’t get confused by the number in the URL, that one also counts drafts, pages and uploads). I know, others might just raise a light smile, at best, at these numbers, but… so be it.

To let this post have some meaning, I’m gonna address some of the questions and statements I have been approached with through the search engines (and I’ve translated the German ones for you; the search phrases have a grey background) – well, some of them are answering each other:

(I know, my 200th post started in a a similar fashion. :) )

All right, everything is gonna be so right, welcome to your destiny, believe in yourself, the answer will come.

  • can i borrow you for a minute maybe two or five maybe for the rest of my life
    The former: yes, why not – what for? But the latter must be thoroughly thought through…
  • me in my panties und I without panties
    Really? Can you prove that with a photo? :mrgreen:
    i live in russia
    I don’t. But why does that keep you from making these photos?
  • do men wear thongs
    do you like men in thong
    Since the German Stringtanga Forum noticed my poll this Wednesday, there’s quite some buzz in the poll and in the comments, so check it out again…
  • lotto “6/49” how often two consecutive numbers
    No, no, you do that “Bild der Wissenschaft” math quiz nicely by yourself…
  • calculate the next lottery numbers
    do you believe in what you’re saying
    say it’s not so
    Well, it is, sorry.
  • turn around ask yourself

    (no reply)
  • ain’t looking for nothing but a good time and it don’t get better than this
    Thanks. :)
  • next uri geller what to say to throw spoon off the tv
    which 3 words does uri geller say in hebrew
    achad shtaim shalosh
    what does achad shtaim shalosh mean
    “1, 2, 3”.
  • 2 girls 2 cup?
    Don’t know about that one.
    2 girls 1 cup original video
    vomit stimulus
  • another question hangs in the air now there’s an answer i know it’s out there
    you’ve got so many questions
    you bet
  • do you want sugar one lump or two
    No thanks, no sugar for me.

So keep on rocking or turn the tv off and go to bed now. :bye: