Tag Archives:

search queries

Searching for panties

Another special edition of search requests

For those who don’t know yet: These search phrases, highlighted in grey, led people here, and I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German ones.

Now then – some are im top but naked below. I.e. without panties. But why do things by halves? naked and without panties! Naked but with panties wouldn’t be really naked anyway. Unless you phrase it like this: naked except for panties.

And if the panties slip down, you can say: great she wears no panties, and she says: I wasn’t wearing any panties. Thus she’s also doing sports without panties only in mini, and because it’s summer, she eats an ice-cream without panties afterwards. If these were her only panties and she lost them for good, she says: I got no panties, and the lucky finder of the lost panties says: welcome panties!

And who knows, maybe she gets a thong for present from her boyfriend, and then she can say: I sometimes wear thongs at school – I only hope it’s not the only clothes she’s wearing. And to make him get a taste for it, she thinks: buy only thongs for my boyfriend, resulting im him saying: as man I like to wear thongs. (And as woman?)

Brings up the question, why do we wear thongs? Well: diapers are kinky. And even if it were written correctly, Cellebs in Deapers certainly aren’t the end of panties.

Some have problems with this topic that make them stutter: wife won’t convert to thongs thong. Well, maybe she’s one of those who people shout about: FILLING THEIR PANTIES WITH SHIT. Yuck! Don’t want that here! And I can do without her panties were a little yellow, too, but it might happen during a along day, I guess.

“bath attendant” briefs gay
Hmm, those wearing underwear with “bath attendant” printed on it certainly suffer from misguided taste, but I don’t think that’s a sure criterion for their sexual preferences.

chastity belt ilm
No, I didn’t find a chastity belt in the Ilm (that’s the name of the local “river”) yet. Occasionally a shopping cart, maybe you can build a chastity belt out of these?

That’s it, bye, and remember, I like to show my feet to others, more specifically in thong in front of friends. Not.

Fliege PS: Birds can do it, we can do it, let’s all do it, lets get to it!

If you shake your head, do you lose brain cells?

shaking head Another special edition of “replying” to search requests, this time again about mysticism (and thus a little different from the usual)…

For those who don’t know yet: These search phrases, highlighted in grey, led people here, and I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German ones.

if you shake your head do you lose brain cells
I think the connection is a different one: If you got to shake your head due to the insanity of some people, e.g. those who consider lawn sprinkler rainbows a government conspiracy with water additives, see the LHC as a world conspiracy to lure satanic Nephilim from the planet Nibiru (German with English video), and many more – then certainly the loss of brain cells is involved.

why are we made believe there are no aliens
Asking this way usually shows that the asking persons tend to believe anything that conspiracy theorists come up with without thinking for themselves – for instance, about the very low possibility of alien visits1 due to the large distance and especially just at this point in time, why such a big event should be held secret at all, how this should work in an excessive bureaucracy with numerous government employees, etc.

what specifications to do black magic to need a girl
I need no black nor white magic to need a girl. :mrgreen: Or what do you want – make some gay man love women? But specifications are rather found in datasheets and the like, what does that have to do with magic? Express yourself clearly, man!

Oh, I forget – belief in magic and clear thinking don’t match.

pray away curses with money
That used to be called selling of indulgences; nowadays, there are also several fraudsters who e.g. tell people on the street about cursed relatives or offer stuff like that elsewhere.

pray away with the moon
Now that’s those mystics who combine dubious religiousness with dubious mysticism to achieve the strongest effects. Effects meaning impressing gullible customers and money on their own accounts, that is.

moon calendar permanent wave
Can you still read the calendar properly if its bent in waves?

nostradamus particle accelerator
That’s where his scribblings and especially the stuff that modern fortune-telling crackpots and scaremongers want to interpret into it2 should be put and collided – then they’d have an actual use!

do dragons die if we don’t believe in them anymore?
Does intelligence die if you can’t really believe in it anymore, looking at all these search queries? Hmm, that’s somehow to be feared…

in the show evidence dowsing
In which show? Oh those inexact search terms… Well, never mind, putting “dowsing” and “evidence” in one sentence is only feasible if you say e.g.: “Dowsing is the evidence for the existance of irrational mysticism dreamers.”

lotto through will
Well, without the will to play lotto, you won’t have a chance to win. Or as the advertising already put it: “You can only win if you play!”

numerology what do we have to learn
That numerology is just crap and anyone can arbitrarily fabricate any correlation between letters, numbers and meanings and that this doesn’t get better if you’re uninspiredly taking antique “formulae” instead of taking the effort to come up with some of your own.

Phew, that’s enough for now. In the end, let’s just undress for the healer and let the healer dominatrix know, then we’ll make our astrology porn!

Photo © Jenny Solomon – Fotolia.com

  1. the way the question is formulated, I actually assume that it’s about aliens on earth []
  2. works better to do so in hindsight… []

600, or: That which nobody needs

Aloha from hell, welcome to the 600th post in my blog, and traditionally, this post, too, deals with search requests (grey background) that led people here. As always, I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German queries. And that in the title is one, too, of course.

why do I laugh when I have to cry
Keep reading, then you got the answer: It’s the search queries’ fault!

can the lotto numbers be predicted?
NO! How often do I have to repeat this??

please, tell me the next lotto numbers, the entire lotto number, the next possible lotto numbers!
Stop it or I’ll throw the lotto drawing balls at you!

no clue of lotto
Yeah, that’s just what you got!

formula golden section for lotto numbers
Aaargh! ENOUGH! I count to 3, and if you don’t stop right away… 1… 2… 2.5…

stop fucking up the numbers i’m trying to search for something
Oh, sorry, no more numbers now. What exactly are you looking for?

i’ve been searching for the real thing
Good idea – and you’re dead right here! Anything specific?

verb to wear in latin
I’d recommend to wear some regular clothing in Latin class, too, and not a verb. That’d be a little too scanty.

complete list of scams by kind
Now you’re funny, no webserver on earth got that much space!

silly domain names
Found it! ;) But there are sillier ones, e.g. the often mentioned classics such as expertsexchange etc.

anti science generator
See mystic. (And here is everything I’ve written about anti-science so far.)

can we cut hair in full moon?
cause i dont know in the sun
If the brightness of the full moon is enough for you, I don’t know any reason against it.

full moon capricorn unhairing
Better don’t, the animals need their fur!

what is someone die full moon day

what does nostradamus say to black hole?
Were he still alive, he’d probably say “trou noir”, being French. If you’re referring to his silly scribble, which crackpots of all kind read anything into, you must ask said crackpots, I’m sure there are some who found faked something about black holes, LHC etc.

addicted to healers and gurus
A danger that should not be underestimated! Or what do you think?

oh shut up
Hey, not that impertinently! But alright, let’s stop for today – over and out, bye! May you always have walls for the winds!

How to kno if your important

crazy guy in shower WAT IST THE COOLEST THING AN EARTH? That’s right, these search requests, well can you see its just great! So welcome to a special edition of “replying” to search queries which are even more odd and crazy than before.

Fot those who don’t know yet: These search phrases, highlighted in grey, led people here, and I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German ones.

To answer the question in the title right away: you’re important if your search request shows up here!

say that u stay FOR A LITTEL dont say bay bay to naight
Surre, I won’t LEAVE thayt fast.

happy time you worn hey you does love me
You, thanks, happy time has too!

every secret wanna order belong time end tonight
do you night world you see it’s all about the money
Frankly, I can’t tell, but do you like what you see? it’s all about the money!

www the best fire explanations de
What do you need them for?
I want to buy mini fireforks
Mini? So humble this time? Well, okay, do it, I can’t stop you anyway.

there –-> ......it was hard to move on because i still loved what was gone but with your help it got over you! .....its crazy to realize but its the true.....
Where? Your “there” is certainly different from my “there”, for these words are now here and no longer there.

how much is 30 € of %
I’d say about 70% of €.

problems and percentage
Well spotted.

loverboy on *our* day the good ol days :tear:
Oh girl on *this* day the search query :shakehead:

Plugin; underwear; men
This is; a strange; combination. A WordPress plugin that displays which underwear the male blog owner is currently wearing? Really an odd wish… You know what? Just take a Twitter plugin and tell the world what you are wearing in your tweets! (I’m sure you’re not the first to do so…)

jobs written with two e
You can’t write that well with one or two “e” alone, a pencil or marker would be better. Even on keyboards, there’s not just the E key, but also End, Del, Enter, …

the pigs can take my body but they can never take my sole
Oh, that’s why the pigs are running after you – they want the soles from your shoes back, they had been their brother! How atrocious and cruel…

i sat on the roof and kicked
Kick it! Start the music!

wee hey ooh whey hey ooh :tanz:
hey!say!jump shining sky :freu:
yippie ya ya ya :jubel:
we ve day ole ole :clap:

Alright, we’re beat, completely exhausted… Bye, that’s it for this time – pink or blue may your dreams come true!

Photo: adamsphoto/sxc

She seeks him naked

arms crossed (magnifying glass) Welcome to a special edition of “replying” to search queries about erotic and sexual topics. (The title was a search phrase, too, of course.)

Fot those who don’t know yet: These search phrases, highlighted in grey, led people here, and I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German ones.

x-ray glasses nothing underneath
What should anyone want to wear underneath his glasses, anyway?

i wanna girl with long legs and a short coat
Don’t we all? Well, I could do without the coat, too…

why woman refuse to make love when we talk them
Huh? You mean women don’t want sex when you talk to them? Maybe you should work on your conversational skills – or just remain silent. Maybe it helps if you pretend you can’t speak at all…

photo without pties, photoswithoutpanties
I think you should improve your orthography.

uncensord no penties
I think you should improve your orthography.

born free video sex withiut registration
I think you should… well, you know what I mean.

is porn

porn german age 16 and over
No, porn is (regardless of its language) for ages 18 and over. (And “soft erotic” movies rated 16+ are no porn.)

porn have
Nice for you. But you know, there’s no need for such a short message writing style here.

porn bla
Bla bla. Right. You mean we should come to business instead of just talking? Well, bad luck, you won’t see porn here.

Free Preview of How Women Finger themselves and Moan into the Camera
I said you won’t see anything here.

Good idea. Sex with animals is abnormal and forbidden (and rightly so), and sex with objects not that interesting. Is there something special you’re interested in?

fucking scene a man with a woman
What, a regular hetero scene? That’s actually still sought-after?

i like fucking can show me how to fuck a lady
Ah, you got no experience with a woman yet and want to educate yourself further. You got a problem there?

the cunt is too tight
A comment spammer that arrived at about the same time gives the answer: Anal sex.

great idea for porn
But also nothing new.

Let’s briefly get to the topic girls with and without panty:

women playing with panties
women without panties
women with panties
C’mon, make up your mind!

fun without panties, no more panties from today on
Alright, at least you made up your mind – but will you really manage to see it through winter?

its so cold girl lemme get my camera
Well, that’s a reason, at least. :lol: And if it gets hot, that’s a reason to undress and, you got it, also get the camera.

sleep nude
If it get’s hot, that’s certainly a good idea – but watch out that you keep pace with this rollercoster ride of a summer…

nude happy
Yeah, be happy!

men who have themselves bathed in the sun in thongs
I can bathe in the sun on my own, without help.

I think that’s enough for this time. Bye, and remember: when we die we’ll all have our clothes off – but then it’s too late.

Original photo: Tomasz Wojnarowicz – Fotolia.com