Some fun with German language and Bavarian politics, not available in English…
Pretty ugly
Konna started a “defacement contest” “Turn pretty into ugly” (German) in which you take a (portrait) photo – one that you are allowed to use – and deface the person a little…
For this I picked an almost three decades old photo of myself, and the result is something I hope that doesn’t look too funny to still be ugly:
Wondering what pretty ugly photos the others will deliver… all contestants can be seen on the Konna’s contest page.
Don’t worry, there are no Dalek here… No, it’s about these flies (or crawling bugs) that have been creeping in here recently since I won them in the quiz at the Krötengrün (German) – this has to end!
Of course I could have turned to toads or other bug-eating animals, but I was afraid that those would multiply uncontrolled then. And since my fly swatter didn’t help much, I was looking for experienced help, and this green feller was so kind to come along and fight these critters:
That was the last we have seen of these bugs here!
(Based on green GreenSmilies smilies, of course…)
A Web phenomenon
…well, it’s a German quiz on Spiegel Online about Web phenomenons with Lolcats, the Star Wars Kid, etc., and they actually linked to the YouTube videos and other sources, which they don’t do that often.
Anyway, I got all 9 answers correct…
Cat photo by Norbert Gunn –; text by me
Links of the Week (2008/34)
- Legolympics: Olympics in Lego (hundreds of images) from the Hong Kong Lego Users Group (via Horchnet)
- 360° photos from the Olympics: in the stadium and from the 10 meter platform (via mlogger)
- German: Religion korreliert mit Esoterik: Wer an Gott glaubt, glaubt an alles Mögliche
- German: Die sogenannte Mondlandung war nichts anderes als ein Mitarbeiterwechsel auf dem Todesstern.
- A map of Springfield: interactive and in one piece (via ChaosZone)