Links der Woche (2012/46+47)
- Der Beginn der Beitragsserie Angst vor der Wissenschaft:
I: Was kann ich wissen?
II: Was soll ich tun? - Ausführliche Buchrezension und auch sonst informativ:
Die Homöopathie-Lüge: So gefährlich ist die Lehre von den weißen Kügelchen - Fundierte Kritik unerwünscht? Akupunktur-Ärzte laden Edzard Ernst aus
- Welche Kalorien nicht zählen.
Links of the Week (2012/43)
- A 9-gigapiel photo of our galaxy with over 84 million stars (via Amphibol)
The multi-million-Euro conman who made up the pseudo-scientific number game Global Scaling, Hartmut Müller, who fled before his conviction this spring, was now arrested in Brazil where he apperently lived since January 2012 in a penthouse while trying to continue his fraud – and calling himself a victim. Yeah, sure…
News reports:
Links of the Week (2012/41)
(…and earlier)
- A fantastic 3D animation of a nebula 2000 lightyears away
- Water drops slow-motion
- Kind of an interactive comic story with a self-drawn stickman (via Unwissend)