- German: Ernsthaft: Erklärungen zur Finanzkrise: Häufig gestellte Fragen bei zoon politikon
- German: Weniger ernsthaft: Die Finanzkrise und die Astrologie
- German: Überhaupt nicht ernsthaft: Die Wahrheit über Teilchenbeschleuniger in der Stupidedia (via zottels Kommentar, dem 558. bei “Kein Weltuntergang”…)
- Album covers built in Lego (flickr pool) (via Dravens Tales)
- From the sitcom “The Big Bang Theory”: How the discussion about string theory or loop quantum gravity can affect relationships… (via Mathlog):
Safer than the Stock Exchange!
Thanks a lot to the book store/office supplies/lotto retailer Pesch for this investment tip!
Translation: “Play Lotto – Lotto is safer than the stock exchange!!!”
I immediately followed that recommendation and invested all the money I had left thanks to this financial crisis into four lotto tips. I’ll report tomorrow night after the drawing what the result is. Keep your fingers crossed for me, throw salt over the shoulder, knock on wood, whatever brings luck!
Note: From a legal point of view, this is no investment advice, you’re responsible for your money yourself. Or what was that standard phrase again…?
Vorschlag für Herrn Mehdorn
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A hard choice and an error
Before we start with the photos, two web finds from my Montreux trip:
By the way, the hotel – the Eden Palace – also offered dozens of movies and music albums for free, accessible via the TV that was extensively equipped for such hotel use (and even greeted me by name1 when I first entered my room) – however, it was a relatively small CRT model, no flat screen.
- on the display only, of course [↩]